
Consider the principle block diagram of a linear adaptive equalizer, such as "Introduction to modern

matlab 算法 lms 应用 原理 一个 实现 数字 一次 这个 实验 线性 适应 信号处理 方框图 示意图 导论 均衡器 考虑 现代 误差 收敛 平方

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中文说明:考虑一个线性自适应均衡器的原理方框图如《现代数字信号处理导论》p.275自适应均衡器应用示意图。用LMS算法实现这个自适应均衡器,画出一次实验的误差平方的收敛曲线,给出最后设计滤波器系数。一次实验的训练序列长度为500。进行20次独立实验,画出误差平方的收敛曲线。给出3个步长值的比较。-consider a linear adaptive equalizer block diagram as the principle of "modern digital signal processing" Introduction to the p.275 adaptive equalizer application schema. LMS algorithm with the adaptive equalizer, painted a square experimental error of convergence curve, given final design filter coefficients. Experimental a length of the training sequence to 500. Conduct 20 separate experiments, painted square error of the convergence curve. Given three step-value comparisons.

English Description:

consider a linear adaptive equalizer block diagram as the principle of "modern digital signal processing" Introduction to the p.275 adaptive equalizer application schema. LMS algorithm with the adaptive equalizer, painted a square experimental error of convergence curve, given final design filter coefficients. Experimental a length of the training sequence to 500. Conduct 20 separate experiments, painted square error of the convergence curve. Given three step-value comparisons.
