
Predictive algorithm based on gray neural network-

matlab 算法 神经网络 订单 基于 预测 研究 灰色 需求预测

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:灰色系统理论是一种研究少数据、贫信息、不确定性问题的新方法,它以部分信息已知,部分信息未知的“小样本”,“贫信息”不确定系统为研究对象,通过对“部分”已知信息的生成、开发,提取有价值的信息,实现对系统运行行为、演化规律的正确描述和有效监控。灰色理论是我国学者邓聚龙教授在1982年首先提出的,该理论认为任何随机过程都可看作是在一定时空区域内变化的灰色过程,随机量可看成灰色量,同时,他认为通过生成变换可将系统数据无规律的序列变成有规律的序列。灰色理论强调通过对无规律的系统已知信息的研究,提炼和挖掘有价值的信息,进而用已知信息取揭示未知信息,使系统不断“白化”。    灰色系统中建立的模型称为灰色模型(Grey Model),简称GM模型,该模型是以原始数据序列为基础建立的微分方程。灰色建模中最有代表性的模型是针对时间序列的GM建模,它直接将时间序列数据转化为微分方程,利用系统信息,使抽象的模型量化,进而在缺乏系统特性知识的情况下预测系统输出。    对于冰箱市场来说,影响其需求量的因素很多,比如季节性因素、成本、产品质量水平、品牌认可、售后服务、产品结构、产品生命周期、价格波动及销售力度、竞争对手、市场特征、性能价格比等,根据各因素对订单需求影响的大小,从中选取需求趋势、产品的市场份额、销售价格波动、订单缺货情况和分销商的联合预测情况等五个因素作为主要因素预测冰箱订单量。

English Description:

Grey system theory is a research less data, and poverty information, and uncertainty problem of new method, it to part information known, part information unknown of "small sample", "poverty information" not determines system for research object, through on "part" known information of generated, and development, extraction has value of information, achieved on system run behavior, and evolution law of right description and effective monitoring. Chinese scholars are using grey theory first proposed in 1982 by Professor Deng ju long, the theory holds that any random process can be seen as a certain domain of space-time change of grey, random amount can be seen as a grey, but also, he believed that by generating a transformed system data can be erratic sequence became a regular sequence. Grey systems theory stresses the irregular information research, refining and mining of valuable information, then using known information revealing the unknown information,
