雷达 PPI 图我要分享

PPI Plot of a RADAR


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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:雷达是无线电探测和测距的缩写。今天,这项技术是如此普遍,这个词已经成为标准的英文名词。雷达的发展加速,在中期和后期的 1930 年代的铺在 1936 年第一次成功的示范。它可以使用在微波波段的电磁波来检测位置、 高度、 强度和运动的目标。它运作的太空辐射能量和检测回波信号反射从对象或目标。反映到雷达的反射的能量不仅指示存在的目标,但通过比较接收回波信号被传输的信号与它的位置可以确定的其他目标相关的信息。 雷达是一种积极的装置。它利用自身的无线电能量探测和跟踪目标。它并不取决于目标本身所辐射出的能量。检测目标是在很远的距离,其定位精度高的能力是两个雷达的主要属性。 早些时候雷达的发展是由军事必需品驱动的。但是,雷达现在它享有广泛的应用前景。一个最常见的是警方交通雷达用于强制执行速度限制。另一种是彩色天气雷达,其他最著名的应用程序是空中交通管制系统。 现在有三个重要的特点,利用雷达即测量所需 1) 的距离 2) 角 3) 的最大范围 它是代表一种雷达的平面位置指示器阴谋的 MATLAB 雷达工程。

English Description:

RADAR is acronym for Radio Detection and Ranging. Today, the technology is so common that the word has become standard English noun. The development of RADAR accelerated and spread in middle and late 1930s with first successful demonstration in 1936. It uses electromagnetic waves in microwave region to detect location, height, intensity and movements of targets. It operates by radiating energy into space and detecting the echo signals reflected from an object, or target. The reflected energy that is reflected to radar not only indicates the presence of target, but by comparing the received echo signals with the signals that were transmitted its location can be determined along with the other target related information. Radar is an active device. It utilizes its own radio energy to detect and track the target. It does not depend on energy radiated by the target itself. The ability to detect a target at great distances and to locate its position with high accuracy are two of the c
