
MATLAB training program (horizontal/vertical shift

matlab 图像 程序 移动 水平 练习 竖直

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文件大小: 5.80 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:平移是指一个物体或图像沿着竖直方向( 整体 )移动或沿水平方向( 整体  )移动的一种现象。在平面内,是指在平面内,将一个图形上的所有点都按照某个方向作相同距离的移动,这样的图形运动叫做图形的平移运动,简称平移。平移不改变图形的形状和大小。图形经过平移,对应线段相等,对应角相等,对应点所连的线段相等。 它是等距同构,是仿射空间<

English Description:

Panning refers to an object or image along the vertical direction (overall) move horizontally or (overall) moving a phenomenon. In the plane, and refers to the plane, a graphic on the distance of all points in accordance with a direction made the same move, such a graphic motion is called the Translational motion of the graphic, known as panning. Translation does not change the shape and size of the graphic. Graphics by panning, corresponding segment equal corresponding angles are equal, corresponding points are connected by line segments are equal. It is an isometric isomorphism is affine transformation affine space a. It can be seen as adding a vector to every point, or move the center of the coordinate system results. That is to say, if a known vector, and is the point in space, and translation.
