
An improvement of ADF: gradient vector flow GVF


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中文说明:应用背景 梯度矢量流主动轮廓模型在图像分割领域风靡一时,在整个21世纪的头15年风头一时无两,至今在在TIP等顶级国际期刊仍然有论文发表。本文提出他的一个改进,主要动机是解决无限长深度凹陷问题等。 关键技术 ADF作为GVF的一个改进,主要是引入了几个机制,包括退化最小曲面扩散机制,无穷范数的使用等,使得扩散成为真正的各向异性,同时还引入了最优停止机制,获得模型的自动停止办法,效果非常好!

English Description:

Application backgroundGradient vector flow active contour model in image segmentation field is all the rage, in the 21st century the head 15 years limelight temporarily, so far in tip top international journals still have published papers. This paper puts forward an improvement, the main motivation is to solve the problem of infinite depth depression, etc..Key TechnologyAs an improvement of ADF, GVF mainly introduces several mechanisms, including the degradation of minimum surface diffusion mechanism, the use of infinite norm, etc., so that the diffusion is the real anisotropic, and the optimal stopping mechanism is introduced!
