Rinex format gps simulation code我要分享

Rinex format gps simulation code


关注次数: 250

下载次数: 0

文件大小: 5.19 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 1积分




English Description:

RINEX, stands for Receiver INdependent Exchange format, is a set of standard definitions and formats to promote the free exchange of GPS data and facilities the use of data from any GPS receiver with any post processing software package. And it is designed to evolve over time, adapting to new types of measurements and new satellite navigation systems. The format includes definitions for four fundamental GPS observations: GPS time, carrier phase, Doppler frequency, and pseudorange. The two main RINEX files are Observation Data File (O-file) and Navigation Message File (N-file). This kind of format allows the user to post-process the received data (usually with other data unknown to the original receiver, such as better models of the atmospheric conditions at time of measurement) to produce a more accurate solution. The Matlab computing environment has become a popular way to perform complex matrix calculations, and to
