
Maximum likelihood symbol timing synchronization and carrier synchronization based on CP in OFDM

ofdm CP 同步 载波

关注次数: 461

下载次数: 5

文件大小: 1.70 kB

代码分类: 仿真计算

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 1积分




这是一个非常好的用于OFDM的基于CP的 最大似然符号定时同步和载波同步的MATLAB仿真程序,经本人深入阅读吸收经典文献,反复编程调试而提炼而成,代码精炼有序,绝对没有错误,由此程序仿真得到的同步曲线与经典文献完全一致。同仁们阅读此程序一定受益匪浅! 这里不吝成果,特上载与诸位网友共享。也欢迎同仁们提供更多的优秀程序。 由于文献要求采用N=1024个子载波的OFDM,运行此程序需2分钟-3分钟的时间。

English Description:

This is a very good CP for OFDM-based maximum likelihood symbol timing synchronization and carrier synchronization of the MATLAB simulation program, after I read the absorption of classical literature in depth, repeated programming and debugging derived, code refining orderly, absolute no mistake, this process has been synchronized simulation curve is fully consistent with classical literature. Tongren have read this procedure will definitely benefit! Spared the outcome here, especially to upload to share with you friends. Tongren also welcome to provide more excellent program. Documentation required as a result of N = 1024 sub-carrier OFDM, to run this process will take 2 minutes-3 minutes.

