一个Levenberg-Marqardt最优迭代算法 matlab例程我要分享

A Levenberg-Marqardt optimal iterative algorithm m

matlab 算法 一个 迭代 LevenbergMarqardt

关注次数: 281

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文件大小: 5.85 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 1积分




English Description:

IMC-PID is by using the internal model control theory is used to calculate the parameters of PID, application of small regional variance contrast, the program is simple, undergraduate graduation design requirements refer to the standard test model, the realization of the identification of 10 digital audio, the primary synchronization signal (PSS) in the time domain simulation, the doubly fed induction hair motor system simulation.
