
Satellite MIMO space time block codes

matlab mimo 卫星 分组码

关注次数: 348

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文件大小: 16.06 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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中文说明: 利用matlab分析了空时分组码的编码方法,从Alamouti编码方案出发,探讨了其编码结构及特点。译码方法采用一个相对简单的线性处理接收机就可以得到最大分集增益的最大似然译码,然后探讨了开阔地地区、城郊地区以及城市地区这三种卫星移动MIMO信道模型的信道容量,在此基础上,将空时分组码分别应用于这三种模型中并进行误码性能仿真,结果为开阔地地区模型性能最好,城市地区模型次之,城郊地区模型最差。

English Description:

This paper analyzes the coding method of space-time block code by MATLAB, and discusses its coding structure and characteristics from Alamouti coding scheme. The maximum likelihood decoding with maximum diversity gain can be achieved by using a relatively simple linear processing receiver. Then, the channel capacity of the three satellite mobile MIMO channel models in open area, suburban area and urban area is discussed. On this basis, the space-time block codes are applied to the three models respectively, and the BER performance is simulated. The results are satisfactory The performance of land area model is the best, followed by urban area model, and suburban area model is the worst.
