
Line feature extraction program

matlab 程序 提取 特征 直线

关注次数: 294

下载次数: 0

文件大小: 1.00 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 1积分



中文说明: 这是一个从图像中提取直线特征的程序,已经达到了一个相对准确的效果,本程序利用的是hough算法,和canny算子,但是美中不足是,图像中的一些较短的直线不能准确的检测出来,所以还需要一定的改进,上传以备大家共享和改进提高,希望能有帮助!

English Description:

This is a program to extract line features from the image, has achieved a relatively accurate effect, this program uses Hough algorithm, and Canny operator, but the drawback is that some of the shorter lines in the image can not be accurately detected, so we need to improve, upload for everyone to share and improve, hope to help!
