(径向基函数)神经网络能够逼近任意的非线性函数,可以处理系统内的难以解析的规律性,具有良好的泛化能力,并有很快的学习收敛速度,已成功应用于非线性函数逼近、时间序列分析、数据分类、模式识别、信息处理、图像处理、系统建模、控制和故障诊断等(rmf netural network matlab)
English Description:
Radial basis function (RBF) neural network can approach any nonlinear function, deal with the law which is difficult to be analyzed in the system, has good generalization ability and fast learning convergence speed. It has been successfully applied to nonlinear function approximation, time series analysis, data classification, pattern recognition, information processing, image processing, system modeling, control and fault diagnosis (RMF network network matlab)