文件中包含word文档报告,设雷达采用匹配滤波完成脉冲压缩,采集频率fs=420MHz,仿真雷达回波,并绘出Hamming窗前后的脉压波形。(提示:通过正确设定采集波门,减少数据量) 设雷达采用Dechirp方式完成脉冲压缩,其中参考距离位于(0,0),采集频率为10MHz,距离采样点数512点,仿真雷达回波,并绘出加Hamming窗前后的脉压波形(提示:通过正确设定采集波门,减少数据量)。
English Description:
The file contains the word document report. Set the radar to use matched filter to complete pulse compression. The acquisition frequency is FS = 420MHz. Simulate the radar echo and draw the pulse compression waveform before and after Hamming window. (hint: reduce the amount of data by setting the acquisition gate correctly)