独立集是指图 G 中两两互不相邻的顶点构成的集合。任意有关图中团的性质都能很自然的转述成独立集的性质。一般而言,寻找图的最大团是 NP 困难的,从而寻找图的最大独立集也是 NP 困难的。用模拟退火算法找出图的最大独立集。
English Description:
An independent set is a set of two nonadjacent vertices in a graph G. The properties of clique in any graph can be naturally expressed as the properties of independent set. In general, it is NP difficult to find the maximum clique of a graph, so it is NP difficult to find the maximum independent set of a graph. Simulated annealing algorithm is used to find the maximum independent set of graph.