
L1 norm code

DOA-L1 稀疏重构 DOA压缩感知 视频压缩-dsc DOA

关注次数: 440

下载次数: 0

文件大小: 2KB

代码分类: 仿真计算

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 1积分





English Description:

Dynamic compressed sensing (DSC) is an important research branch in the field of compressed sensing. It is a new signal processing and analysis method in recent years. Different from the traditional compressed sensing theory, DSC studies sparse time-varying signals, and has shown great potential in video signal processing and dynamic magnetic resonance imaging. In this section, a DSC method for Doppler frequency tracking estimation is proposed. Firstly, the distribution probability of non-zero elements in the signal vector at the current tracking time is obtained by using the prior DOA sparse information obtained at the previous tracking time, and then the sparse probability model of dynamic doa is established. Then, weighted L_ 1-norm minimization method reconstructs the signal vector at the current tracking time, so as to determine the position of non-zero elements, obtain the real-time DOA estimation, and finally realize the dynamic DOA tracking of moving objects.


