
Flower pollination algorithm (FPA)

授粉 花粉算法 fpa花粉算法 花粉算法FPA flower-pollination

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下载次数: 2

文件大小: 1KB

代码分类: 智能算法

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 1积分




花朵授粉算法(flower pollination algorithm或flower algorithm),简称FPA,是一种模拟自然界中开花植物自花授粉和异花授粉的生物学特性发展而来的随机全局优化算法。根据植物的授粉对象不同,可分为自花授粉(self-pollination)和异花授粉(cross-pollination)两类。异花授粉是指一朵花的雌蕊接受另一朵花的花粉;自花授粉是指植物成熟的花粉粒传到同一朵花的柱头上,并能正常地受精结实的过程,如桃花。当没有可靠的传粉载体时经常发生自花授粉。

English Description:

Flower pollination algorithm (FPA) is a stochastic global optimization algorithm which simulates the biological characteristics of self pollination and cross pollination of flowering plants in nature. According to different pollination objects, plants can be divided into self pollination and cross pollination. Cross pollination refers to the process in which the pistil of one flower receives the pollen of another; self pollination refers to the process in which the mature pollen grains of a plant are transferred to the stigma of the same flower and can fertilize normally, such as peach blossom. Self pollination often occurs when there is no reliable pollination carrier.

