
Suppression of subsynchronous oscillation caused by series compensation capacitors of AC lines

谐振抑制措施 疲劳断裂 次同步振荡 串联谐振 电力系统分析

关注次数: 404

下载次数: 2

文件大小: 3KB

代码分类: 仿真计算

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 1积分




动态电力系统次同步谐振.次同步谐振一是交流输电系统中由串联电容补偿引起的次同步谐振问题,二是由一些电气装置引起的次同步振荡问题。次同步振荡会使轴系产生很大的扭矩,严重情况下可能导致大轴出现裂纹甚至断裂, 或因反复承受较大转矩造成疲劳积累, 使轴系寿命降低。因此,对次同步振荡进行准确的分析和计算, 采取有效的监视、防止和保护措施是非常重要的。程序是对交流线路串补偿电容引起的次同步振荡抑制的编程。

English Description:

Subsynchronous resonance in dynamic power system. Subsynchronous resonance is the subsynchronous resonance caused by series capacitor compensation in AC transmission system, and the subsynchronous oscillation caused by some electrical devices. Subsynchronous oscillation will produce a lot of torque in the shafting. In severe cases, it may lead to cracks or even fracture of the main shaft, or fatigue accumulation due to repeated large torque, which will reduce the service life of the shafting. Therefore, it is very important to analyze and calculate the subsynchronous oscillation accurately and take effective monitoring, prevention and protection measures. The program is used to suppress the subsynchronous oscillation caused by the series compensation capacitor of AC line.


