BursaTransPar 坐标转换–基准面转换(布尔莎七参数)我要分享

Bursatranspar coordinate transformation datum transformation (seven parameters of bursa)

经纬 基准面 三维坐标-转换 布尔沙 坐标转换

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代码分类: 仿真计算

开发平台: matlab

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在坐标转换中,除了正投影和反投影的转换,还有不同基准面之间的转换。基准面的转换有很多种转换模型,常见的有三参数和七参数转换。三参数的转换主要是通过对x,y,z三个坐标轴进行平移操作,使用于小范围的地方坐标基准之间的转换,对精度要求不高。相对于三参数转换,七参数转换在其基础上增加的对x,y,z三个坐标轴的旋转分量以及缩放比例。这里,我们主要对布尔莎七参数模型进行介绍。 我们对一个经纬度坐标进行七参数转换时,一般先将其转为地心坐标系,就是以地心为原点的三维坐标系,再利用空间直角坐标系的转换公式,使用七参数对其进行转换,将转换的结果再转回经纬度坐标,即可完成椭球基准的转换。

English Description:

In the coordinate transformation, in addition to the transformation of orthographic projection and back projection, there is also the transformation between different datum planes. There are many kinds of datum conversion models, including three parameter and seven parameter conversion. The transformation of three parameters is mainly through the translation operation of X, y, Z three coordinate axes, which is used for the transformation between Local Coordinate Datum in a small range, and the accuracy requirement is not high. Compared with the three parameter transformation, the seven parameter transformation increases the rotation component and scaling ratio of the X, y, Z coordinate axes. Here, we mainly introduce the seven parameter model of bursa.

