说明:本代码比较了在四种不同特征值扩散度情况下RLS算法的学习曲线,即其收敛速度跟集平均平方误差-This code compares the different characteristics of the four cases the value of diffusivity RLS algorith...
说明:The comprehensive review of all the options set out for the implementation of the TFM in optical communications, it is opted for the performance of a...
说明:通信系统中用于设别调制方式的5个特征参数的提取-Communication Systems for the set up of other modulation characteristics of the five parameters extracted
说明:Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3 (PTB-3) is a free set of Matlab and 请点击左侧文件开始预览 !预览只提供20%的代码片段,完整代码需下载后查看 加载中 侵权举报
说明:该文件夹为空间复用空时码的仿真程序,天线配置为2发2收。 主要程序的用途说明: mainMIMO_OFDMA_2Tx.m: 主程序,设置各种参数 gendata_2Tx_SM.m: 生成原始信息数据的程序 mod_2Tx_SM_DFUSC.m:调制程序 gen_SUI...