说明:hopfield neural network for binary image recognition
hopfield-neural MATLAB-hopfield binary-hopfield hopfield hopfield-image
说明:一个matlab实现的image matting的代码。包括Possion matting等四种不同的matting算法的实现。
possion_matting possion-matting image-matting Matting matlab-GUI
说明:This code and doucument describe the image segementation using active contore models [snake].
The-Image snake-matlab snake---matlab contour-matlab-code active-contour
说明:this program for efficient graph based image segmentation
说明:SART algorithm for image reconstruction
reconstruction SART MATLAB-SART SART--CT image-reconstruction
说明:Non-rigid image warping using Thin-plate spline interpolation
说明:split bregman for sparse image reconstruction
split--bregman Bregman-matlab split-image split-matlab split-bregman
说明:attempt to do Difference of gaussian in image processing
Image-difference Dog-matlab DoG--images-MatLab dog--matlab dog
说明:A simple matlab program for detecting and extracting text in the image.[JPEG format]. Which can be used for OCR.