说明:资源描述將上述數值代入整理可以得 ,畫出未補償前的 波德圖 Buck-boost未補償前波德圖 由波德圖可以看出系統GM(-9.88dB)與PM(-14.4˚)都不穏定,操作於CCM的降-升壓轉換器有一個右半平面(RHP)零點,由於RHP零點使相位落後了90°,為了避免引起過多...
说明:应用MPC算法对DC-DC变换器模型进行控制,加入了干扰观测器环节,效果更佳优异 包含两个文件,ddc.mdl为系统仿真图,mpccontroller.m为控制算法。
说明:This simulink file is about implementing maximum power point tracking concept on a PV solar system under varying weather condition using sliding mode ...
说明:Hill climbing (HC) is one of the traditional and easy methods that is used in many applications including solar systems to track peak power due to its...