说明:The Sun and Earth’s Climate
说明:Impact of galactic cosmic rays on Earth’s atmosphere and human health
说明:实现文献‘Fast and robust multiframe super resolution’的仿真,程序中有详细解释,对于多帧超分辨率重建中,退化图像获得,如何进行迭代重建,都有详细说明。
说明:曹希仁的Stochastic Learning and Optimization课件,绝对经典。
说明:Real time microphone and camera data acquisition and audio video processing
MATLAB麦克风 camera-video-matlab matlab-摄像头 摄像头-matlab video-processing
说明:[教材与书籍] 【Springer 数学】Integral and Discrete Inequalities and Their Ap...
说明:Algorithms and Models for Network Data and Link Analysis