说明:This code and doucument describe the image segementation using active contore models [snake].
The-Image snake-matlab snake---matlab contour-matlab-code active-contour
说明:this program for efficient graph based image segmentation
说明:这个是一个3D的人体跟踪软件,基于matlab,四个摄像机multi view tracking
说明:Bilateral filter to enhance the image. This programme will remove the noise of the image.
Bilateral-filtering NOISE noise-filter-matlab filter remove--ghost
说明:This is a matlab code for transfer of color from source image to target image. Details are in colormatch.m
ColorSpace Image-color-transfer color-transfer Transfer-color
说明:This method is based upon the image hiding technic into another image using LSB algorithm called as Steganography.
lsb-matlab The-Image cover LSB-steganography steganography-matlab
说明:you can use this matlab code to change image into different color system such as luv, rgb, yuv and lab