说明:A Quest for AI(AI的任务)
说明:A Course in Machine Learning(机器学习课程)
说明:Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification
说明:Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning
说明:R Programming for Data Science
说明:Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms
说明:Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning
说明:Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce(数据强化文本处理)
说明:Reinforcement Learning: - An Introduction
说明:Mining of Massive Datasets(数据集挖掘规模化)
说明:A First Encounter with Machine Learning(机器学习的第一次邂逅)
说明:Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning(模式识别和机器学习)
说明:Machine Learning & Bayesian Reasoning(机器学习与贝叶斯推理)
说明:Introduction to Machine Learning(机器学习简介)
说明:A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition(模式识别的概率理论)
人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),英文缩写为AI。它是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。